These booklets are still available.  Get them from the Red Barn Frame Shop in Hermann ($2) or from me ($3) includes shipping.  They carry a nice history of Berger's Landmarks!

These booklets are still available. Get them from the Red Barn Frame Shop in Hermann ($2) or from me ($3) includes shipping. They carry a nice history of Berger's Landmarks!

flyer from bicentennial
These are pictures from Berger
These are pictures from Berger
Ott's store - also Dieterle's and Rathert
Berger school house - Schmidt archives
Schmidt archives
Otto Schmidt and his beautiful home!
Stoepplemann house on top and Wedepohl house
Misc Berger photos from Schmidt collection
Postcards from the Schmidt collection
Postcards from the Schmidt collection
Lloyd and Leola Haid - Schmidt archives
Ralph and Josephine LaBoube (mayor)
Berger factory built in 1939
Schmidt list of mayors
Ralph Schmidt
Schowe house moved from the bottom to Berger 1953?

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